Passion Project: Logos that highlight the misfortunes of my life thus far
The first sleepaway camp I attended was a 4-H camp. I was so excited to go considering how much fun my older sister had the summer prior. The whole day before I could feel this excitement in my stomach, a gut feeling if you will. Within an hour of my arrival, I spewed my lunch out for the whole camp to see. That’s when I learned I may have some anxiety. Needless to say, I went back for the next 7 summers. 
I always wanted to play collegiate basketball when I was a kid. With a mom and two aunts who played for their college team, it seemed like fate. However, my inability to make a simple layup and only ever making the rec team (where my mom was often the coach) proved me wrong. Now, I’ve traded my place on the court for a seat in the stands (because I am much more skilled at that).
I was always clumsier than your average preschooler growing up. I tripped and stumbled countless times and even got stitches on my face on three separate occasions. But what takes the cake, is the day I fell face-first into my teacher’s shoe and permanently bruised my front tooth.

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